What are the technical diagnoses to be provided in case of sale?
What are the technical diagnoses to be provided in case of sale?
To answer this question, it is already necessary to know if it is for a detached house or a condominium. In the case of a detached house there are 9 mandatory diagnoses and for condominiums there are 8 diagnoses.
Diagnostics for detached houses
- Energy performance diagnosis (DPE), except in the case of sale of a home in the future state of completion (Véfa)
- Finding of risk of exposure to lead (Crep)
- State mentioning the presence or absence of asbestos
- Condition of the indoor electricity installation if the installation is more than 15 years old
- Status of the indoor gas installation if the installation is more than 15 years old
- Condition of the non-collective sanitation facility
- Termite status
- State of risks and pollution (natural, mining, technological, seismic, radon...)
- Noise diagnosis
The seller must also tell you if there is a risk of dry rot (fungus) in the construction of the house. This risk of dry rot concerns the geographical areas identified by an order. The decree can be consulted at the prefecture of the department or on its website.
Diagnostics for condominiums
- Energy performance diagnosis (EPD), except in the case of sale of a home in the future state of completion (Véfa)
- Finding of risk of exposure to lead (Crep)
- Statement mentioning the presence or absence of asbestos
- Condition of the indoor electricity installation if the installation is more than 15 years old
- Condition of the indoor gas installation if the installation is more than 15 years old
- Termite status
- State of risks and pollution (natural, mining, technological, seismic, radon ...)
- Noise Diagnosis
The promise of sale or the deed of sale must mention the following information:
Private area of the condominium lot: titleContent (Carrez Law)
Presence of a risk of merule (fungus) in the construction of housing. This risk of confusion concerns the geographical areas identified by an order. The order can be consulted in the prefecture of the department or on its website
So to do this, you can of course ask your real estate agent for help, but do not forget to also ask your notary who is there to help you do all these papers.
Ce qu’il faut retenir :
To answer this question, it is already necessary to know if it is for a detached house or a condominium. In the case of a detached house there are 9 mandatory diagnoses and for condominiums there are 8 diagnoses.

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to sell in Paris or its surroundings ?
Posted on 02/08/2022 by