The constitution of a tenant’s rental file with false documents is very real, and it sometimes leads to all sorts of problems (i.e. fraud, unpaid rent, etc.)
As an owner, how should you verify the tenant’s rental file? As the landlord, you must verify the identity, income, employment (or legitimacy of the business), and tax notice of the tenant.
1. Verify the identity of the tenant
- Ask to see their ID and compare it with similar documents to see if there are any mistakes
- Check the social security numbers (the number is written on their payslips)
- The first digit corresponds to their sex (1 for a male, 2 for a female), and the 2nd and 3rd digits of the social security number correspond to their year of birth.
For example: If the tenant is 23 years old and presents a pay slip with a social security number starting with "2 84" it means that the number indicated is false.
2. Check the tenant's income
You can use it to confirm the data already provided, following the voluntary transmission of proof of income issued by the tax authorities.
In order to ensure the confidentiality of all users' tax information, the verification of a tax notice requires entering two identifiers appearing on the document, which are:
- The tax number
- The reference to the tax notice
3. Verify the existence of the company for which the tenant works
Whether the tenant is an employee or a contractor, it is possible to verify the existence of the company on Société or Infogreffe.
It is sufficient to indicate the SIREN number (first 9 digits of the SIRET number mentioned on the payslips) to have access to this information.
At the same time, do not hesitate to call the company for some information.
4. Check the tax notice
The French Government has set up a free service to verify the veracity of the tax information given by the prospective tenant.
It will simply be necessary to enter the tax number and the reference of the tax notice they provided.
5. What risks for the tenant if false documents are in the file?
Tenants showing false documents or including false documents are liable to a fine of €45,000.00 and a sentence of 3 years in prison. They can also be prosecuted for fraud and risk paying up to €375,000.00 in fines and 5 years in prison.
As an owner/landlord, be aware that if you find that your tenant has provided false documents after signing the rental agreement, it is possible to cancel the lease altogether and evict the tenant from your property.
6. Why is it important to check the tenant's file?
This creates a relationship of trust with your tenant and reduces the risk of problems (i.e. fraud, unpaid rent, etc.)
Insurance companies offering Unpaid Rent Guarantees (GLI) have separate policies. When they study the rental file, they will also look at the landlord's side to track down any errors.
If a “grossly falsified” document is present in the file, insurance companies may refuse to claim compensation.