Technical diagnostics to be rented
The landlord must give you 7 diagnoses that are mandatory, whether it is a detached house or a condominium.
The 7 diagnoses are as follows:
You can find more information about each of these diagnostics by clicking on them.
- Energy Performance Diagnosis (EPD)
- Finding of risk of exposure to lead (Crep)
- Copy of the statement mentioning the presence or absence of asbestos
- Condition of the indoor electricity installation if the installation is more than 15 years old
- Condition of the indoor gas installation if the installation is more than 15 years old
- State of risks and pollution (natural, mining, technological, seismic, radon ...)
- Noise Diagnosis
You can find more information about each of these diagnostics by clicking on them.
Ce qu’il faut retenir :
The landlord must give you 7 diagnoses that are mandatory, whether it is a detached house or a condominium.

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Posted on 02/08/2022 by