What is an inter-cabinet in real estate?

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What is an inter-cabinet in real estate?

What is the principle of inter-cabinet ?

Inter-firm, inter-agency or coopetition, allows the cooperation of two real estate professionals in the context of a sale file,   one of whom brings the seller and the other the buyer. 

It is the agency that has the sales mandate that delegates its mandate to another agency to allow it to offer the property to its own customers. In this collaboration between real estate professionals, the principle is simple and effective, you have an agency that brings the property for sale and the other agency that brings the buyer. This allows for real efficiency, an even faster and transparent sales process. 

Inter-cabinet in its definition may seem complicated to apprehend in terms of competition, but in reality it is quite the opposite. The inter-cabinet is a win-win agreement for the agencies as well as for the seller and the buyer.

The AMEPI association (Association of Exclusive Mandates of Real Estate Professionals), offers a common file service for exclusive shared sales mandates, it is the principle of coopetition, halfway between competition and cooperationThis association allows professionals who are members to have an exclusive list of properties  via its IT platform for the exchange of goods. On the one hand, there are agencies offering properties for sale, and other agencies offering these properties to offer them to their own customers. 

The inter-firm what advantage for agencies ?

In the context of a classic sale, the real estate agent who has the sales mandate will receive the full fees if he finds a buyer himself. In the context of an inter-firm or inter-agency framework, the sales mandate and fees are shared between the two agents.   

Through a delegation mandate, the delegate and the delegate must agree on a fee sharing which is usually of the order of 50%/50%. 

The inter-cabinet what advantage for the sellers ?

The selling owner sees his property gain visibility, so his property is shared by the real estate agency mandated to several partner agencies or members of a real estate network of mandate sharing, multiplying the opportunities to find a buyer while keeping a single interlocutor. This makes it possible to sell more efficiently, faster, at no extra cost and in complete transparency. 

The seller will not need to entrust his property to several agencies that can potentially discredit the property by multiplying ads on the same media and real estate ad sites. The seller will remain the big winner of this collaboration, from the accompaniment to the sale of his property.

The inter-firm what advantage for the buyers ?
The steps of the buyer are simplified, by consulting an agency member of a network of sharing of mandate or partner real estate agencies, the buyer consults free of charge all the exclusive offers of real estate agencies offering an inter-firm without the need to physically consult several agencies or consult several real estate advertising sites. Enough to quickly realize his project.
In addition, the inter-agency guarantees the buyer a purchase at a fair price, allowing the buyer not to be the victim of an overestimation of prices. The selling price of a property cannot be different from one real estate firm to another.
From the search to the transaction, a single interlocutor accompanies the buyer for his real estate project. The latter benefits from a personalized follow-up and advice from the professional who will have followed the file throughout the steps, enough to reassure the buyers.
How long has the inter-cabinet been in existence ?
" A practice that has always existed in France and internationally "

The inter-cabinet has always existed historically, this practice developed in Anglo-Saxon countries around the 19th century. The " Multiple Listing Service " also called  The MLS file corresponds to a database that includes all the real estate, exclusively, available for rent or sale in the United States. 

" The general public does not necessarily know this practice which remains very advantageous for each party "

An ethical rule

Are you worried that the collaboration between two competitors will go wrong and that this could have a detrimental influence on the sale or acquisition of your property ? Know that this is almost impossible. 

Real estate agents must comply with the code of ethics set out in a decree of 28 August 2015.
They cannot tarnish the image of the profession and must also be respectful and loyal. The prices are therefore very clearly displayed and everything is well specified and cannot be changed. They will not be able to insist that you do not choose a competitor in inappropriate ways. It is appropriate to remember that if the two agencies work together it is in the common interest and for the satisfaction of their customers. 

It is therefore retained that the inter-firm in its explanation is a commercial practice in real estate aimed at making two agents work on the same sales file. The big winner of this technique is obviously the selling owner who will undoubtedly benefit from increased visibility of his property on the real estate market and be able to sell his property in a faster time. We then know that this commercial practice is a triparti advantage because everyone will then find his interest. It is therefore a good point to be able to highlight this practice which is not necessarily yet well known. It is still more often for prestigious, luxury and atypical properties for sale. 

You have a property for sale and you are interested in going through this mode of operation ? 
You can contact us
Ce qu’il faut retenir :

  • Inter-firm, inter-agency or coopetition, allows the cooperation of two real estate professionals in the context of a sale file,   one of whom brings the seller and the other the buyer.  

  • It is the agency that has the sales mandate that delegates its mandate to another agency to allow it to offer the property to its own customers.

  • The inter-cabinet is a win-win agreement for the agencies as well as for the seller and the buyer.

  • Principle of coopetition, halfway between competition and cooperation. This association allows professionals who are members to have an exclusive list of properties via its computer platform for the exchange of goods

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