Who pays the search for leak in the event of water damage?
In case a property rental was water damaged (or other related problems), a leak search can be conducted within the premises. The property owner, the tenant occupying the rental, or the syndic of the building can request this search in light of certain situations.
According to the IRSI convention, insurers will pay for these leak searches, whether they or the insured requested the task.
In a co-ownership, the leak search in private parts of the property ordered by the syndic must be paid by the co-owner’s insurance.
In which case should a leak search be carried out?
In most cases of water damage, the plumber carries out the search for leaks. This often ranges from a simple inspection of the pipes to an extensive video exploration of the ducts.
For leaks coming from the roof, a roofer (or mason) conducts the leak search. And in the case of clogged pipes, one can call a drainage company to do the inspection.
The goal is to determine the origin of the water leakage to stop the extent of the damage and determine the potential work to be done.
What does the Water Damage Guarantee (DDE) take into account?
The water damage guarantee of a multi-risk home contract (MRH) covers the damage caused by natural disasters. However, this is not the case for repairs.
With some exceptions, the owner must assume the cost of the necessary repairs.
Important Note: It is not mandatory to fill out an amicable report of water damage; a detailed written declaration will be enough.
Who is responsible for finding water leaks?
For all claims occurring since July 1, 2020, the responsibility of the leak search falls on the insurer of the occupant of the property (at the time the search is made), whether they are the owner or the tenant.
However, if a simple search yields no results, then a destructive leak search will have to be set up. It will be the owner's insurance (whether the property is occupied or not) who will take care of this search.
This also applies to all furnished rentals, especially if the tenant has already departed from the property at the time of the accident or if the property is vacant. In the context of occupied rentals, it is up to the owner to make the claim and not the tenant.
Can the search for a leak be taken into account by home insurance?
The management of a water leak search is not always included in insurance contracts.
If the leak detection guarantee is included in the contract, this can be indicated under the Special and General Conditions category.
You can also find information on a deductible and coverage for ceiling leaks and other related damages.
- During most cases of water damage, leak searches are conducted by plumbers.
- Water leak searches are covered by the insurance of the current occupant of the property.
- In the case of vacant properties/rentals and/or a tenant's lack of home insurance, the coverage falls on the owner/landlord's own insurance on the property.
- The building syndic may request a leak search if the leakage originates from a private portion of the property.

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Posted on 30/03/2023 by