Seasonal rental in Paris?
Regulations: Seasonal Rental in Paris?
How to put your home in seasonal rental as a Parisian? A practice of the most supervised within the capital. What rules must be respected in order to rent your property in a short term?
Reporting made mandatory
Only framed by the Civil Code, unlike the classic rental, in seasonal rental it is therefore possible to freely determine the price, the conditions of the contract and the price, in theory. It is possible for an owner to rent his main residence in short-term rental under a maximum of 120 days per year. However, an amendment was passed by the Senate, allowing mayors to choose to reduce this period by half, or 60 days per year to rent their main residence as a tourist rental.
For Paris, it is nevertheless mandatory for an owner to make a declaration to the town hall in order to obtain a registration number, regardless of the rental period in order to rent his accommodation for short periods. Once this number is assigned, it is necessary to include it in the rental ads, under penalty of an almond of € 5,000.
Excluding tenants with a social landlord, it is possible to sublet your accommodation for the holidays, provided you have a written agreement from the owner validating this subletting. As part of a seasonal subletting in the social housing stock, the tenant will be sanctioned financially and by the termination of his lease contract.
The mandatory lease contract
An owner has the obligation to provide the tenant with the most complete description possible mentioning the characteristics of the property to rent in seasonal rental, whether the property is in Paris or not. The description must be faithful to the rented accommodation in order to avoid being sanctioned by an almond. It is also mandatory to include on the short-term rental contract the ERP diagnosis, State of risks and pollution, as well as add if necessary if the property has been the victim of a natural disaster resulting from a payment of compensation by the insurance.
The procedure for changing use
It is possible for an owner to rent his principal residence for a period of more than 120 days per year, or rent a second residence that is not considered as principal. On the other hand, to do so, a change of use procedure will have to be carried out, in addition to making its declaration to the town hall.
A counterpart exists, to compensate for the loss of surface for residential use, in order to obtain the authorization of the City of Paris, the owner must transform into residential housing, a commercial premises. This commercial premises must be located in the same borough and be of a surface equivalent to that of the residential dwelling modified into commercial space to make seasonal rentals. As a result, the loss of living space is zero.
Another alternative to the transformation of premises into housing corresponds to the possibility of including in the owner's file an assignment of commercial title. This title was previously purchased in an organization wishing to transform office buildings into housing.
It is essential to take into account that non-compliance with this compensatory obligation will lead to an almond of € 50,000. An increase is applied corresponding to € 1,000 per m² and per day as long as the property is not returned to its main residential destination.
- A practice of the most supervised within the capital.
- It is possible to freely determine the price, the terms of the contract and the price, in theory.
- It is possible for an owner to rent his main residence in short-term rental under a maximum of 120 days per year.
- Mandatory for an owner to make a declaration to the town hall in order to obtain a registration number, regardless of the rental period in order to rent his housing for short periods.
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Posted on 21/10/2021 by