Why add a list of furniture in the sales agreement?
Creating a furniture list brings 2 advantages:
The primary purpose of the furniture list is to contractually freeze the furniture that the seller is required to leave in the property after the sale.
To get it right, real estate agents should also note the type of materials and color of the furniture, as well as the brand and reference of the appliances in the list and assign them usage values. This is to avoid the temptation of sellers to replace existing furniture with old or low-value materials.
- One is a contractual benefit and the other a financial benefit to reduce notary fees.
- It is very common to see a list of furniture as an appendix to a sales agreement, whether or not it is signed by a real estate agent or notary.
The primary purpose of the furniture list is to contractually freeze the furniture that the seller is required to leave in the property after the sale.
To get it right, real estate agents should also note the type of materials and color of the furniture, as well as the brand and reference of the appliances in the list and assign them usage values. This is to avoid the temptation of sellers to replace existing furniture with old or low-value materials.
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