What is the risk and pollution assessment?
As part of a rental
The future tenant must be informed by the landlord of the risks and pollution to which the dwelling is exposed (natural, mining, technological, seismic, radon ...).
Which municipalities are concerned?
The owner has the obligation to provide a statement of risks and pollution if his property is located :
Where to contact?
Town hall
Prefecture of Paris
Which properties are concerned?
The diagnosis must be carried out in the event of the rental of any construction, land, plot or set of plots belonging to the same owner or the same joint ownership.
Who should make the diagnosis ?
The statement of risks and pollution must be completed directly by the owner through a form based on the information contained in the prefectural order.
Period of validity
The statement of risks and pollution that must be attached to the lease must be less than 6 months old. If not, it must be redone.
Which municipalities are concerned?
The owner has the obligation to provide a statement of risks and pollution if his property is located :
- Area exposed to risks delimited by an approved foreseeable natural risk prevention plan or residual mining risk plan approved by the prefect
- Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 seismicity zones (highest)
- Radon potential (radioactive gas) level 3 (highest) areas
- Risk exposure perimeter delimited by a technological risk prevention plan approved by the prefect
- Perimeter studied as part of the development of a technological risk prevention plan or a foreseeable natural risk prevention plan prescribed by the prefect
Where to contact?
Town hall
Prefecture of Paris
Which properties are concerned?
The diagnosis must be carried out in the event of the rental of any construction, land, plot or set of plots belonging to the same owner or the same joint ownership.
Who should make the diagnosis ?
The statement of risks and pollution must be completed directly by the owner through a form based on the information contained in the prefectural order.
Period of validity
The statement of risks and pollution that must be attached to the lease must be less than 6 months old. If not, it must be redone.
As part of a sale
The future buyer must be informed by the seller of the risks and pollution to which the housing is exposed (natural, mining, technological, seismic, radon ...).
Which municipalities are concerned?
The seller has the obligation to provide a statement of risks and pollution if his property is located :
This information can be obtained by consulting a dedicated site.
Where to contact?
Prefecture of Paris
Which properties are concerned?
The diagnosis must be carried out in the event of the sale of any construction, land, plot or set of plots belonging to the same owner or the same joint ownership.
Who should make this diagnosis ?
The statement of risks and pollution must be completed directly by the seller through a form according to the information contained in the prefectural order.
Period of validity
The statement of risks and pollution that must be attached to the promise of sale or the deed of sale must be less than 6 months old. If not, it must be redone.
Which municipalities are concerned?
The seller has the obligation to provide a statement of risks and pollution if his property is located :
- Area exposed to risks delimited by an approved foreseeable natural risk prevention plan or residual mining risk plan approved by the prefect
- Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 seismicity zone (highest)
- Radon potential (radioactive gas) level 3 area (highest)
- Risk exposure perimeter delimited by a technological risk prevention plan approved by the prefect
- Perimeter studied as part of the development of a technological risk prevention plan or a foreseeable natural risk prevention plan prescribed by the prefect
This information can be obtained by consulting a dedicated site.
Where to contact?
Prefecture of Paris
Which properties are concerned?
The diagnosis must be carried out in the event of the sale of any construction, land, plot or set of plots belonging to the same owner or the same joint ownership.
Who should make this diagnosis ?
The statement of risks and pollution must be completed directly by the seller through a form according to the information contained in the prefectural order.
Period of validity
The statement of risks and pollution that must be attached to the promise of sale or the deed of sale must be less than 6 months old. If not, it must be redone.
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